Heldendaden in de vuurzee van Australië (Joop)

De al weken durende bosbranden hebben een vernietigende impact op flora en fauna in Australië. Tussen de verwoestingen door doen mensen hun uiterste best om dieren in nood te redden. Op social media verschijnen talloze beelden van reddingsacties. De beelden laten zien dat niet alleen mensen heldendaden verrichten in tijden van nood, ook dieren dragen hun steentje bij. Zoals Taylor en Bear, de speurhonden die helpen zoeken naar gewonde koala’s.

What a good dog.
Taylor the springer spaniel is busy helping detect and save the lives of koalas and wounded wildlife in bushfire destroyed areas.
“She is trained to prioritise the scent of the live animal and sit as close to it as she can”.https://t.co/kiim0eCcRQ pic.twitter.com/ecipZg3dKU

— Keira Savage (@KeiraSavage00) November 30, 2019

An obsessive-compulsive dog who was abandoned as a puppy has a new mission: helping find and save koalas injured in Australia’s recent devastating bushfires https://t.co/0eiw2hrQiT

— SBS News (@SBSNews) November 20, 2019

My cousin Dean has been a firefighter for over 17 years. Over the weekend he was out on a run in Balmoral and found this ringtail possum in the middle of the road. As he got closer the little guy ran up his leg seeking shelter from the smoke and flames pic.twitter.com/cYeJZlLW4A

— Emily Swanson (@Em___) December 23, 2019

Even when things seem at its worst, #people are still doing what is #good. “Doherty used her shirt as a makeshift #blanket, wrapping it around the animal before…”

Find out what #happened next!#koala #australia #fires #bushfires #kindness #animalrescuehttps://t.co/NU4umZspRm

— Good News (@GoodNew14714516) November 25, 2019

This pic from Eden Hills Country Fire Service is everything. A koala and firefighter watch on as fire rages ahead pic.twitter.com/N3Q8uPxsj7

— Rashida Yosufzai (@Rashidajourno) December 23, 2019
